Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Can you believe
Hubby's back is feeling better. Still hurts some but doing alot better!!!!
Winter is back. The wind is really fierce out there. They are calling for 40 mile gusts today. And when i looked out the window is seen snow flurries. And the other day is was in the 60's. This weather has been so crazy.
Not doing anything for New Years eve. Just staying home and watching Dick Clark. That man just keeps going. Even after all that has happened to him. I remember always saying he never changes. And never gets grey. LOL Boy, but i'm sure getting grey. Need to go to get the hair cut and colored. I have the gift cards but haven't made it yet. It's always that my hair looks so bad and needs cut but then when i do get it cut i never like it. I think that is what scares me about going and i always put it off. LOL Oh, well.
Well I hope that everyone has a very good and safe New Year's eve and that your New Year is all that you what it to be. Good health, Love, and wealth. Enjoy your loved ones and friends and ring in the New year....
Happy New Year
Hugs Pam
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's all over
Hope you enjoyed your Christmas holiday. Alot of work but well worth it. Went to my son's for dinner, and it was very good. There were around 21 people in his little apt. but it was so nice.
On Christmas eve morning my husband was getting ready for dialysis and i told him that it was icy out so be careful. So he was headed out to the car and he seen it was just raining so didn't think about it. Well he walked out onto the porch and ended up on the brick sidewalk on his back. I had my grandson with me and i heard my husband yell. We ran out and there he was on his back. And it was really raining. I helped him up and he said his back hurt. I asked if he wanted to go to the ER and he said no. He went back into the house and changed clothes and left for dialysis. They wanted him to go have it looked at but he said no. Well around 6 pm on Christmas eve he said he wanted to go to the ER. So that is where we were until around 10:30. They did x-rays but said he didn't brake anything. He just sprained it and badly bruised it. He could barley walk on Christmas day but still went to our sons for dinner. So i have to go with him to dialysis so i can drive him.
It's only 23 degrees out this morning. Burrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Have a wonderful day and i bet the stores will be worse than black Friday today. Don't want to go there. LOL
Hugs Pam
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Just wanted to Thank you
Monday, December 22, 2008
What a difference a day makes
Went over to my daughter's house on Saturday evening to look at her Christmas decoration's and she cut my granddaughters curls off. She had pretty long natural curly hair and my daughter said it's easier to take care of without the curls. It was down to her butt and now a little past her shoulders. I couldn't believe it.
Talked to my grandson last night. He was all excited that the Redskins won..He's into video games. He's only 8. My daughter has spoiled him so much every year at Christmas and now this year money is tight and he's not getting as much. And that really bothers her. But that is all her fought. This boy has a Wii, Playstation 3, PSP, and she bought him an X box 360 for Christmas. He doesn't play with normal toys that an 8 year old would play with and never has.
Well today i'm going with hubby to dialysis and then we are going to pick up the tickets i won from the radio station to see Jeff Dunham. He's just the funnest ventriloquist. Supposed to see him on Jan. 2 if all goes good. And i'm up so early i'm going to be so tired when i get home today.
Well enjoy your day!!! The big day is almost here. Don't work to hard finishing up all you have to do to get ready for Christmas.
Hugs Pam
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Beautiful Sunday
Today is the first day of winter. Seems like its been here for a while. So spring is right around the corner...Yippeeeeeeee
Have a safe and happy day
hugs pam
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's Friday
But sunday is a different story. They are calling for snow and ice.. We might even get a white Christmas and it's not winter yet. Winter come's in Sunday...I know there are alot of you getting snow. Please be very careful if you have to go out. There are always some people out there that think they can drive through anything and that's what causes the wrecks..
I heard on tv today that a 94 year old grandma that buy's scratch off lottery tickets. When into the store and bought some and said she didn't win and gave them to the cashier to throw them away. He checked them over for her and said you won. It was a million dollar ticket. That was so nice of that cashier to hand it back over to her. Must be nice. What i could do with a million dollar's. I could help out so many people. I would love to do that. Oh, well.......maybe someday!!!
Have a wonderful day and be carefull
hugs Pam
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Very Blessed Day
Today was the day for the heart cath. I was so scared that i might need a stent in my artery's. I had this done 4 years ago by the same doctor at a hospital in the city that is an hour and a half away. Supposed to be a very good hospital. Well the time came and the doctor did the heart cath and said that he didn't see anything and that my arteries looked the same as they did 4 years ago, wide open. I was so happy. I was very blessed today!!!!! What a wonderful Christmas gift. Now i just have to take it easy for the next 2 days becasue they go into your main artery in your groin area. And they don't want it to open back up or get infected. And i'm back home already. Left here at 7;30 this morning and back home by 5.. Just wanted to give you my good news.
Happy holidays
Hugs and blessing
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Spreader of Love Award

Good Monday Mornin
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Now here's what happens next:
These are the rules
Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.
Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.
Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.
Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.
Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.
Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up
Ok now here's the 6 random things about me. This should really be good. LOL not much to tell
1. I have always wanted to visit California.
2. I can't swim...Just terrified of drowning.
3. I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren.
4. I love blogging
5. I enjoy going to Bingo..Never win much though.
6. Love to watch Paula Deen..I think she is a very lovely lady.
So now i am tagging these people
1. Carla from Country Road Primitives
2. Theresa from Primrulle
3. Janene from Primitive Lifestyle
4. Beth from My*Prim*Cottage
5. Jenn of Bittersweet Prims
6. Audrey of Audrey's Country Crafts Give a way
Hugs Pam
Good Saturday Morning
My Christmas book and Gingerbread men didn't sell so i've relisted them to go off on Monday. And my snowman goes off monday too. I think i'm going to try to start on some valentine things and also everyday things. Was even thinking of starting a selling blog in a few months.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and the weather they are having.
Hugs Pam
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Take a Peek

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Look what I woke up to
There they laid in my back yard. 2 big labs. One black and one brown. I went and got hubby and at first he thought it was deer. I said can we keep em....... LOL....He said nope!!!! Then i didn't know what to do. So i text my daughter and told her about them and that i seen a collar on the one. She asked if they had tags and i told her i don't know. She said go look. I told her what if they bite. So she told me to take out some dog food and feed them. So i took out some dog food. Got on the steps of my deck and the big black one started grawling. So i showed them what i had and they came right over. So i fed and watered them and checked for a tag but there wasn't any. Now what should i do. The neighbor came out and said they had been there for a little while. I told him I'd call the radio station so they can see if anyone owns them. And i told him I'd call the animal shelter and he said i wouldn't call them. They might not find there home and then get rid of them. So i went in and call the radio station and they put it out over the radio. Went back out and gave them more food and water. Then called the animal shelter just to see if anyone called them and they said no. So then i went and looked out the window and the one dog was laying on my deck and the other one in the yard. Then i thought, now what. So i called the vet's office down the road and the woman there was all excited and said the owners had been calling them. Wow....She told me there names and gave the owners my number. A few min. later the owners called me and she said they were missing since the night before. And they couldn't find them. When the woman came to get the dog she was crying and started hugging me and thanking me. She was afraid someone would keep them and she would never see them again. She said they are very old and have arthritis. She said she has another dog at home and it was carrying one of the labs toys around all night last night. Well problem solved. So happy they are back home. I couldn't of not done anything. It's been too cold out for them.
Have a wonderful evening
hugs pam
Friday, December 5, 2008
It's Finally Friday
I put 2 new items on ebay last night. Take a peek....
Was looking out the back window and seen the man next door cutting up a deer he must of gotten. He always gives us some deer bologna. I really like that. Not much on deer meat though. Hubby likes it. Maybe i just don't fix it right. LOL They say it's better for you.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday.
hugs pam
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Almost the weekend
Well hubby is still really sick. He didn't eat at all yesterday. Finally have a doctor appt. for him tonight at 4:30. He's been in bed for 2 days. I'm just hanging in there.
I have been thinking alot since the New Year will be here soon. What New Years resolutions I'd like to try this time.
What i come up with is i want to start eating healthier and loose some much needed weight. I'd also like to get alot of these bills paid off and get my life straightened out.
So what does everyone else have in mind for the New Year.
Cloudy and cold today. Calling for maybe some snow this weekend.
Have a wonderful day....
Hugs pam
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And this is the gingerbread men that i made.
So hopefully tomorrow they will be listed.
Have a wonderful evening!!
Hugs Pam
Monday, December 1, 2008
Crazy monday
Well have to show you what else i won on a blog give a way.
I got all this from Ann's Treasure Box. Thanks so much Ann1!!!!!!!! Awesome prize.
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
Hugs pam
Friday, November 28, 2008
Look what i got

All wrapped up in red poka dot paper with ribbon. How pretty. This is what i won from Kelly of Mystical Entities blog give a way.

Thank you so much Kelly. You did a really good job on it.
Hugs pam
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving day
We had so much food. And it was all yummy!!!!!!! I hope everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving with family and friends.
And my sister in law did the dishes, wow thank God for her. LOL
So now its on to Christmas and i will be going to my son's house for dinner.
Back to primming tomorrow.
Hugs pam
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day before Thanksgiving
Well it's the day before the big day!!!!! Yum-O Turkey!!!! Well still have some cleaning to finish up and going to do alot of cooking today. I'm going to try to put my turkey in the oven tonight and let it cook all night. I've never done that before but i seen it on Rachael Ray show. So I thought i'd give it a try and that way it would free up the oven for tomorrow. Sure hope it works. Don't want a burnt turkey for Thanksgiving. Oh my!!!! Good thing my BIL is bringing ham.....
I remember my daughters first turkey dinner. She call me after 6 hours of cooking this small turkey and said it's still not done. We were going there for dinner so we just left a little early and went to see what was wrong. When i got there she had the turkey with the breast down. Which now I have heard of others doing that. And i told her she had it upside down for one thing. I guess the real problem was the oven. It was like 3 more hours and the turkey finally was done.
I wish that everyone have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and to give thanks.
Hugs Pam
Monday, November 24, 2008
The big day finally here. LOL
So this other doctor that i'm seeing now took alot of his patients. This doctor everyone says is so well liked. I have only seen him one other time. And everything seemed good. He is in the process of moving his practice to a larger medical facility. And today was the last day at this address.
Well, when they call you back you go and sit in his office and he talks to you. Ask how things are going and all that stuff. He asked when i quit smoking and I told him 5 or 6 years ago but I think its been longer, can't remember. Getting old. LOL. Then he asked how my uterus was and different things about it and i said good. He was looking over my paper work and then said lets get you a sonogram to. So i said fine and they do that in his office. He said don't want to operate if we don't have to. And then i'm thinking something must of been wrong with my last test or something wrong in my papers.
So he took me to another room and had me put on the paper gowns. Just love those things. Then when your ready you turn on the light so they know to come in the room. Well he was the only one that came in. The doctor i went to before always had a nurse in there with him. And she would talk while he did what he had to do. So this doctor does the pap smear and still no nurse. Then he pushed on my belly and said your uterus feels good. And i said that's good. Then he said let me go get this person to do the sonogram. So i laid there and waited.
Then this man came in the room and got in a drawer under my table looking for something. Uncomfortable feelings. And then a nurse came in. Then they both walked out. Then they came back in and i'm thinking what the H*** is going on. So they set up the sonogram which is an internal one so that was uncomfortable. They turned the lights out and he started doing the sonogram and the nurse leaves the room. So now i'm alone with this man. And he's doing what he has to do and keeps looking at my paper work. And then looking at the sonogram.
Then he asked me if i had just got married and i said no. And then he asked if my name used to be Black and i said no. Then I asked him, do you have the wrong person. He said your paper is on top of someone else paper is stapled to your paper. He said we are in the process of moving and the papers must of gotten mixed up. Today was the last day they were at that address. He said let me go talk to the doctor and see what he says. He left and came back with the doctor. The doctor said i'm sooooo very sorry. Your paper was mixed up with someones elses, and we are in the middle of moving. He said you don't need a sonogram. So i got dressed and the teck said what i seen your uterus looks good. And i won't charge you for the sonogram. I thought i know your won't charge me. So now i'm so glad this Pap smear is done.
So i'm good for another 2 years. I'm so glad. I dreaded this and it didn't get any better. LOL
Thanks for listening.
Hugs Pam
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Christmas book is finally done!!!!
I guess everyone know's what that is all about. It's windy here today and cold.
I'm going to my daughters Sunday for Thanksgiving dinner. Yum and then at my house on Thanksgiving day. I should be all turkeyed out by then. LOL What is everyone up to this weekend. And wanted to let you know gas prices is $1.87 gallon now. Hard to believe it would ever go under $2.00 a gallon ever again. I hope it keeps coming down.
Well here it is :

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs pam
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunny day
The sun is shinning and looks so beautiful out. Just cold. Still working on some crafts. Hopefull have on done tonight. I'll post it when i get it done. I'll be putting it on ebay.
Last night hubby and i watched John Dunham's Christmas special. He has these puppets. I laughed so hard. It was so good. It's out on DVD.
Also gonna do some cleaning. Sounds like fun don't it. LOL I need a maid. Wouldn't that be nice to have someone come in and clean up for you. And then all you do is craft, craft, craft. Oh well. Guess i'll have to be the maid.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
hugs pam
Monday, November 17, 2008
This is funny
Well i went in and there was a young man working at the front desk. He had me fill out all my paper work. And then told me to go sit down and they would be with me shortly. So i did what he said. About 10 minutes later a lady peeked out of the front desk and said you are early. I told her yes i know but i was in the neighborhood. She said no you are a week early. OMG i was so embarrassed. She said your appt. is next monday. I knew it was monday but thought it was this monday on the calendar. So now i have to wait till next monday and go through this all over again. LOL
So i apologized and stuck my tail between my legs and left. LOL I know to check the next time. LOL
Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Hugs pam
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday morning
I am really enjoying blogging. I love to go and read other blogs and get into the give-a-ways. Don't forget to check out my site for blog give-a-ways i have come across. I have meet so many new friends..And i want to thank everyone for coming here and reading mine. And i won a giveaway recently. So when i receive it i will show it off here. LOL
Haven't had my coffee yet. Sure do need that. So I'm heading off to the store to get some, ran out yesterday.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. Talk to you all soon.
hugs Pam
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A nice fall saturday
Ann's Treasure Box: Welcome Friends
Check out this blog give away. And also check out her blog...
hugs pam
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Good Thursday morning
The election is finally over and we have a new President. I pray that there is Change like he said. We need to come together and make this a better place to live and work.
Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving. Yum, Turkey and all the dressings.
I hope all is well and enjoying this day.
hugs pam
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another Give-a-way

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Had my mammogram done
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Not sure what the plan is for the weekend. They are calling for it to be cold and raining on saturday. Might just clean and do laundry. Fun Fun.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and don't forget to got to the blogs that i have posted for the give a ways.
hugs pam
Another Give a Way

Click on this link"
Hugs Pam
Monday, October 20, 2008
My first award!!!!!
This award was given to me by Sue from Oodlekadoodle Primitives

Now I’m supposed to nominate 6 people for this award.
The 6 people that I picked is
Carla of Country Road Primitives
Mandy of Aunt Mannys Creations
Tonya of Back Porch Pickins
Renee of Birchberry Farms
Dani of Olde Homestead Peddler
Elizabeth of Pigtails and Snails
The rules are to grab this award pic and post it on your blog, and nominate 6 of your choice for the same award! Of course, you have to tell the winners that they have been chosen.....
Hugs Pam
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Chilly Sunday
Finally downloaded a picture of my granddaughter:

And here's one with her acting goofy"

She is so sweet when she's at my house but as soon as her mom comes to pick her up she turns into a different kid. She's 4 and is in pre-K and really likes it.
Also snapped a picture of the dog and kitten. The dog is 11 and the kitten is 6 months. Usually the kitten is driving the dog nuts. And believe me i don't see this much.

Hope you enjoyed looking at my pics. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Hugs Pam
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Quilt Giveaway
Hugs pam
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Beautiful Tuesday
Went for a scooter ride today. The weather is awesome. But by the weekend it's supposed to turn colder. Went past the gas station and the gas price was $3.05..Finally coming down some. Sure wish the grocery prices would come down. I had my granddaughter over the weekend. She is so good. Until her mother showed up to picker her up. Turned into a different kid. Wow...Took her to church on Sunday and she was afraid to go to the childrens class so she stayed there with us. And was the best ever.
I will post some pictures of her later.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
hugs Pam
Friday, October 10, 2008
Just had to share what i got today

Was i all flabbergasted. LOL
It is edible fruit. Here is what the card said.
Congratulations to you for being a 14 years survivor. I thought i would send this instead of flowers because you can eat this. By the way thanks for giving birth to me 22 years ago today. I love you mommy.
My son thought of me on his birthday. He's the best. Couldn't ask for any better. And it tastes so good. There are strawberrys that are dipped in pink chocolate. To die for....The cup that it is in is glass with a pink ribbon....
just wanted to share.
hugs pam
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Warm Day
Other than that it was a nice day. The rest of the week is going to be warm and nice. This will probalby be the last of that and then the cold will come in. Sometimes i wish i lived south. And then i think about the weather there, hurricanes and all. I guess there is no place that's nice all year long. I guess i can dream.
Talk later.
hugs pam
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hump day
Have a wonderful evening
hugs pam
Sunday, October 5, 2008

That's one of the purple cows. LOL You can see the squares on the ground.
Here's a picture of my grandson, hubby and daughter in law making the scarecrow. My grandson is in the red shirt, hubby and daughter in law in the white shirt.

Here's a picture of my grandson and the scarecrow he made on the scooters.

My grandson Logan and my hubby John fixed the scarecrow on the scooter and then sat it at the end of the driveway. People were riding by laughing. so that's what i did on Saturday. So the weekend wasn't to bad. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
hugs pam
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
October is Breast Cancer awareness month

The weather is really cooling down now. And fall is really in the air. Won't be long before the leaves start falling. I can't wait to get started on another project.
Hope you all have a wonderful evening.
hugs pam
Monday, September 29, 2008
September is almost over
Hugs Pam
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can't believe i did it.
The weather has really changed. It was cooler today and they are calling for rain these next coming days. The leaves are starting to turn and some are falling off already. I'm not ready for winter.
So here is a picture of my tattoo.

I'm watching survivor while surfing the net.
Have a good evening
Hugs Pam
Thursday, September 18, 2008
little chilly
Tonight i am going to put my pumpkin on ebay. Worked really hard on it.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
hugs Pam
Finally got it finished.
Hugs pam
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday the 13th
It was warm and muggy today and the cool air tonight feels really good.
Hugs Pam
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11
So today lets have a prayer for all the families that have lost someone to this terrible tradgey. To all the fire fighers, police, and everyone else that helped that day. And pray that this will never happen again. And to all our soldiers fighting to keep us safe.
Hugs pam
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Working on my blog
Hugs Pam
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Beautiful Sunday
Today was so nice out. The sun was shinning and i didn't get much done today. I'm sitting here now working on my blog just trying to figure it all out. Well better get back to work.
Have a wonderful day
hugs Pam
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Rainy Saturday
I have been working on the deck the last few days trying to get it stained before winter. Got alot of it done and now it's raining so tomorrow i'll see how much more i can get done. The sun is supposed to shine on Sunday and Monday then rain again on Tuesday.
The kitten that i had gotten a while back is so packed with energy. Just tires me out. But when he's sleeping he's so cute. LOL
Well thanks for listening to me go on and on.
Hugs pam
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A beautiful Sunday
Friday, August 1, 2008
new kitten
So after almost 6 months i went out and got a kitten. He's so cute, only around 11 weeks old. They weren't sure at the pet store how old he is. He gets in bed with me everynight and gets into my hair. He kneads it with his paws and purrs so load. I haven't figured out yet why he does that. But he's just to darn cute.....