I had went for my stress test and the doctor said it went good except when they did the pictures of my heart. He said he had seen a shadow at the bottom of my heart. He told me that i might not be getting enough blood supply there. So he scheduled me for a heart catherization.
Today was the day for the heart cath. I was so scared that i might need a stent in my artery's. I had this done 4 years ago by the same doctor at a hospital in the city that is an hour and a half away. Supposed to be a very good hospital. Well the time came and the doctor did the heart cath and said that he didn't see anything and that my arteries looked the same as they did 4 years ago, wide open. I was so happy. I was very blessed today!!!!! What a wonderful Christmas gift. Now i just have to take it easy for the next 2 days becasue they go into your main artery in your groin area. And they don't want it to open back up or get infected. And i'm back home already. Left here at 7;30 this morning and back home by 5.. Just wanted to give you my good news.
Happy holidays
Hugs and blessing
Spring Green in the Cupboard
15 hours ago
Pam, what a blessing indeed! That's just wonderful! I wanted to let you know I got my gingers today and I love them! I am going to give one to my niece, Ellen. I know she will love them, too! Take care! ~Beth~
That is great news and a true blessing! :)
Rest and take care of yourself!
Good news Pam! So glad things went well. I will say prayers for hubby when he gets his done. Take care and get some rest! *HUGG*
Thands so much ladies. I was really scared. The nurse said there are 3 options when you get the heart cath. done. Option A...They find nothing and you go home today.
Option B...they find a blockage and have to put in a stent and you spend the night.
Option C They find more than one blockage and you have to have open heart surgery.
I told her that option C. was out of the question. LOL I'll take a or b. And only b if i have to.
Hugs pam
GREAT NEWS PAM! So glad everything went okay for you. We are so blessed to have the technology that we do today... What a wonderful Christmas gift indeed! xox
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