Monday, December 28, 2009
Pics of the quilts i made for the girls
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas
Enjoy your next few days with family and friends.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What a day
Enjoy your day. I know i will when it gets warmer in here.
Hugs Pam
Friday, December 18, 2009
Went to Joann's tonight and guess what i saw.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Here comes the snow
I'm still working on my Christmas presents. After Christmas i will post a pic of them. Just lots to do right now.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Sure hope the snow misses me. LOL
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Here's my finished baby rag quilt

Saturday, December 5, 2009
It's Snowing

It's snowing...Been doing it since early this morning. The roads are to warm so its not laying on them but it is in the grass. Suppose to do it all day...Well i don't have to go anywhere today so that ok. LOL Not much of a snow and winter person.
I was up til 2 this morning clipping that rag quilt. My hand hurts so bad. I used all flannel so that is 3 layers of it. And i should of made it with bigger squares. I used 4" squares so that's alot of clipping. It's in the washer for the second time, then into the dryer again. I'll get a pic of it sometime today and post it. I have been working on it all week. The baby shower is tomorrow.
Back to cleaning and washing clothes. Talk later
Have a wonderful Saturday
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
You have to check this site out
Hope everyone survived the holidays and getting ready for more. I have been busy trying to do a rag quilt for my niece for a baby shower on Sunday. Little harder than i thought, lol....The quilt kit i won from Green Fairy quilts i'm going to work on the first of the year. It's a regular quilt and i've never done them before. So i want to get the holiday over and i will have more time to concentrate on that. Lol Check out her blog she has wonderful quilts at great prices.
You have to check out this site. They have all kinds of food and crafty ideas. You will love it. so go check them out. They are called Best Bites. There is just so much going on over there. There is so much i'm going to try. Love it
I first came to Best Bites site from Sue at Oodlekadoodle Primitives, she has some good recipes on her blog also. Check her out to.
Well i'm still working on Christmas decorating and making that quilt, so i'd better get back to work.
It's raining here so a nice day to just stay in and work.
Have a wonderful Wednesday
Hugs Pam
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
I wanted to pop in to wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I'm off to the store today and also cooking. So today will be as busy as it has been for the last few days. My son is off work today so he is going to be helping me.
Don't eat to much..I know i won't. HeHe!!! Enjoy the time with your families near and far.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
What was i thinking!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Have a question ....Need some help
Its like jumping in the ocean for the first time. A lot to learn. I have been working on more things to list and that takes time.
Oh well
Have a wonderful day
Hugs Pam
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Cute little mice give away

You can get your chance to win them. Kim will announce the winner on Dec. 1 just in time for Christmas decorating.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A $25.00 Target gift card give away
You have until Midnight Nov. 29th to enter...
Friday, November 13, 2009
Holiday Recipe Swap
Karrie over at stayathomemommy is having a recipe swap. You can still join the swap or just go and check out all the recipes.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A new give away from Bearbits

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I am doing the happy dance. Lookie lookie what i won

Today is Veterns Day
And to all the families that have there children, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers away from them over these upcoming holidays, i'd like to say thank you and bless you. Praying that they all come home safe and soon.
I wish that everyone can stop today and say a prayer for all of them
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Added some things to Ebay!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Looked into the back yard and this is what i seen

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Green Fairy Quilts is having a give away

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hubbys halloween pics
This is how he went to dialysis. This last picture is the girls that work there. They all dressed up in pj's. They were so happy he dressed up. They kept askng him to dress up and he kept saying he was going to come as a patient. LOL And they were so excited when he showed up like this. I even painted his nails black.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mother Moons Message Give away
It will take you to her blog. The winner will be chosen monday nov. 30th

Aunt Mannys Creations is having a give away

Friday, October 30, 2009
Don't forget to change your clocks
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Nicer weather and rice lights
The rain is over for a few days and the sun is shinning. I threw some nuts out for the squirrels and the Blue Jays kept taking them. It started out with one blue jay and ended up with 3 of them. The poor squirrels didn't stand a chance.
And not to sound to dumb but what is rice lights. I've heard people say about rice lights but not sure what they are talking about and i know someone out there knows. LOL
Have a wonderful hump day!!!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Fiona and Twig Give away

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
ladybugs everywhere

Monday, October 19, 2009
A fantastic Giveaway. You have to check this one out

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Are there any Dialysis Patients out there
We know all about transplants. To begin with he has type 1 diabetes. He's had it since he was 14. In 1997 he had a pancreas transplant and was no longer a diabetic. He loved it. It lasted for 5 years and then he got Cryptoccocal Meningitis from bird droppings. Crazy huh!!! They thought he was going to die. He was in the hospital for almost a year. 4 months at the hospital were we live then 4 months at a hospital in Baltimore MD and then rehab hospital here for almost another 4 months. That was a longggggggggg year.. Well they had to take him off the immunosuppresent medicines or he would of died. His weight went down to 88 pounds. They had to give him some very bad antibiotics that really messed up his kidneys and they went down hill after that .It was horrible. Well after going off the medicines he lost his new pancreas. So he's back to being a diabetic. Before all of this he was taking 4 shots a day of insulin and then went on an insulin pump. Which he has now. And after all that he wants to go through another transplant. It scares me to death but i guess if that's what he wants I'll stand beside him. He's had so many health problems.
Two years ago on Superbowl Sunday he had a pulmonary embolism. A blood clot that went to his lung and his heart stopped 6 times. They had to use the paddles on him each time. He was flown to Washington and our heart doctor here saved his life. He's had a silent heart attach and has to stints in his heart. He's a walking miracle.
Thanks for listening
Friday, October 16, 2009
Good evening wanted to show you my new stump doll

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
BitterSweet Prims Give away

Happy Wednesday

Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Halloween Give away

Haunted Swamp Designs are giving to more than one winner.....The names will be drawn on Oct. 24th. So hurry over there....Just click here and it will take you right to her give away
Hugs Pam
Win an IPod Touch

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I've got a winner!!!! For my blog give away
There is all the tickets.
Here he is swishing them all up and getting ready to pic the name out.
Ok Drum roll please..
Please email me your address so that i can get them out to you. And don't forget no mail on monday so i'll get it out on Tuesday!!!!
It's Saturday
It's the weekend and the clouds are dark...Looks like we might get a storm..Don't forget there's no mail on Monday!!!!!
I will be back later today with the winner of the Pumpkin Give away!!!!! Good luck all!!!!
Enjoy your day
Friday, October 9, 2009
A beautiful blog give away Hurry to check this one out.
Hugs Pam
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Check out this new Give away
Morning Blog buddies Give away on Sat.
Chillie morning!!! We had some bad winds yesterday. Everyones trash cans flying around. Leaves falling and flying. They say it will get up to 70 today. Cold in the house but i hate turning on the heat yet. So i'll just put on a sweater. LOL
Don't forget to sign up for my blog give away. My son will be picking the winner out on Saturday. He will be 23. Ahhhhhhhhhh to be 23 again and know what i know now. LOL Oh well guess i have to be satisfied with 52. Just 3 more years and i can get some senior discounts. Oh
Have a lovely day!!!! Going to craft some..
Hugs Pam
Sunday, October 4, 2009
What a beautiful weeked, Scarecrows and cow patty bingo
Here they are with my grandson's scarecrow