The sun is shinning today and it's supposed to get up to 65. Spring is here today...Well it's almost time to get the scooters out. Hubby and i love riding these. Saves on gas..So thought i'd show some pics. This pic is my grandson and my hubby...Just kidding LOL The scarecrow my grandson and hubby made at the octoberfest here last year. The scarecrow is sitting on my scooter and my grandson on my hubbys scooter.
They are so much fun to ride. You really have to watch others though. They go up to 40mph. These are only 50cc.

There are so many people riding them now. They do have one's that go faster that you can even ride on the highways. We get around 80miles to the gallon.

So come on warm weather. I'm ready to ride. Well hope everyone has a wonderful nice day.
Hugs pam
It is so nice to for you to get the weather to be able to ride...Have fun on your rides and be safe..
they do look like fun!
Those scooters are great they are popular here in maryland. I have given thought to getting one since I don't drive anymore. Besafe!
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY~
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