I was so excited when i looked out into my backyard and seen 3 Robins...On the east coast its a sign of spring. It just made me so happy. I am so done with winter. Hubs and i have scooters and i can't wait to get them out and start riding them again. They are like little motorcycles. We go everywhere. Easy on gas...So it won't be long now. Supposed to go to my son's this weekend for a cook out. Food on the grill Yum Yum...Well guess i'll go for now.
Have a wonderful evening.
hugs pam
i wish spring would get here already! i miss cookouts and yard sales and outside activities!
I cannot wait for spring...The Robins have been here since January so our first sign of spring is garage sales....I check the paper every day just to see if one is listed even though I know there won't be one yet...I can just see you and hubby out on those scooters....
It was actually about 65 degrees here and sunny so it seemed warm. I was outside painting some furniture and I also saw Robins. I heard a woodpecker and saw a hawk. There are also 2 geese at our pond so I think spring is almost here.
Yes ladies i think its almost here. Supposed to be warm this weekend. Can't wait for the yardsales and sitting on my swing.
Hugs pam
Its just now starting to warm up here a bit, my doves are back this morning for the first time since winter so thats a good sign.
I am sooooo ready for spring!
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