The other night my daughter and granddaughter came over. My granddaughter is only 5 and in pre-k...She was telling me about school. Showing me how she learned all her days of the week and months in the year with dance. And how doing math they use the point system. They put points on the numbers and that's how they add. Didn't make much since to me. LOL Then i asked her if she says the Pledge of Allegiance in school and she said yes. She put her hand over her heart and began saying it. This is the first part of it. "I pledge
allegiance to the flag of the united
steaks of America". I just lost it. She said Steaks instead of States. I told her it was States and she stated saying it again and said steaks. I just gave up. LOL. Then we sat down and colored. I love having her around. i don't get to see her much. Hopefully this summer i can get her to stay more.
I know that i'm getting older and the thought of not being around is a daily thought that i need to get out of my head. So after being with her i'm thinking so much better. I'm going to live each day as it comes and enjoy my family and friends and blog friends more. Do more things that i enjoy. Because none of us know when the last day will be and i want to make the most of mine. And i really need to change this music on here. LOL
So i would like to thank everyone for taking a little time out of your day to stop by.