Well another year has passed. wow I'm 53 today. As i have been getting older I think more and more about how i'm really not ready to pass on. My mom passed when she was 56 and my dad when he was 59. So I think alot about that now that i'm in my 50's. My grandparents were in there 90's. My health isn't the greatest. I have COPD and have my good days and my bad days. More bad as the years go by. I guess as they say God has already planned out when it will be our time and you should live each day one day at a time. I do try that. I know there are people out there worse off than me an i should be very Thankful for what i have. And I am. I heard a song the other day called My Temporary home and i guess that is what live on this earth is. sorry to be on such a sad note. As the day goes on it will get better, i know. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. It's supposed to be in the 20's today. I just wish my life away, wishing for spring. LOL I can't take the cold.
Spring Green in the Cupboard
15 hours ago
Happy birthday Pam!! I have to agree...we need to just do the best we can one day at a time and try not to worry about so much. I know that's easier said than done, but life seems to be a lot more fun and a lot easier to deal with when I can do that! Enjoy your special day!
Hugs, Terry
Happy Birthday. I hope your day is special and filled with love and joy. I pay the Lord will bring you better health in the next year. Stella
A very happy birthday to you Pam. Hope you have a lovely day full of warmth and things you love
Oh, you're just a young sprout sweetness!!
A very happy 32nd anniversary of your 21st birthday!! Now doesn't that sound so much better? :)
Wishing you many more 21st birthdays and may each one be filled with happiness, joy and love Pam!
Happy Birthday Pam. My mom had COPD, she lived to be 86. I hope you have a wonderful day today. Don't worry, spring will be here soon.
Happy Birthday!
Since I am still celebrating my 51-and-how-the-heck-did-I-get-here birthday, please allow me to send you (and all who read this) a birthday gift: the link for a free cover-to-cover read of my book.
It's about how my amazing Spirit-led journey began on the birthday that my friends forgot! (One of my best birthdays yet!)
Just sign up here: no experts needed dot com. No strings/spam attached, really! (I know, hard to believe these days :-) But it's simply my way of giving back.
Continue the celebration,
Louise Lewis, author
No Experts Needed: The Meaning of Life According to You!
Thank you for your comments. I wish you a wonderful birthday and all the best to you in the coming years!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM! Sometimes we all get a little sad and think of the future as the big unknown, but we have today and that is all that any of us has. You are a survivor, you have made it this far, have two wonderful daughters and a grandaughter. You brighten up the lives of the many people, like me, who look forward to your blog with your words and your quilts. Enjoy the day, sit and have a cup of tea, and eat something absolutely sinful, and enjoy every bite. Betty Lou
p.s. You think you are getting old, I will be 75 on the 1st of February, and my grandson is 26 today, Jan 10th
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM!!! Remember, we know not the time or the hour! So fill your days with what you like doing most! I pray for your health to improve so you will have many more years to come! God bless you, my friend.
Happy birthday Pam :)
I understand how you feel - my dad passed away at the age of 42, my mom at 64. I am 57 and have my own health issues. When you are 'young' you don't think about mortality quite so much as you do once you hit your 50's and read about school mates who have passed, and it makes you think. But you're right - you have to live one day at a time and enjoy the time we do have.
HAPPY Birthday, sweet girl! :)
I hope all your special B-day wishes come true for you this year...live for the day...NO ONE knows what tomorrow will bring!!!
I miss seeing ya around blogland!
ohhh...and Happy New Year to you and your family, may it be filled with many happy blessings ;)
Thanks so much to everyone for your kind words. As KKL Primitives said , you don't think about what life has for you as you getting older, when you are young. It seems to hit you when you pass that 50 mark. I just hope and pray that i have another 30 some years to go. So that i can enjoy with all my family and my friend and the friends that i have meet here in blogland. I started sewing more and it does keep your mind off things. LOL
My birthday was filled with my family and i enjoyed it.
Happy Birthday! I hope that the warm spring weather comes your way soon to brighten your days!
I'm 34 and today could be my last day. So you're right...it's SO important to live each day to the absolute fullest. It's something I'm guilty of NOT doing and something I really need to start working on.
Happy, happy birthday to you!
Happy belated birthday Pam. I know just how you feel. I am 52 will be 53 in July - where has time gone lol. I have COPD, Adult onset Asthma and begining stages of lung hypertension, along with other medical problems..Funny never smoked a day in my life. I have one son, dil, 4 grandbabies - I have determined this is my Year - I am going to read more, go back to my sewing (used to sell crafts at shows way back when), learn to quilt and just enjoy life. I want to live today and not worry about the future or the things I can no longer do. I am a Type A Personality and it gets to me about not able to do the before things - But I have determined not to think before but now. Enjoy all those angel kisses and fun times with those grandbabies - they have a way of making us forget our problems. Lots of Love - hang in there. Don't have a blog yet. I do enjoy reading all you alls lovely blog. Just found yours and will be a follower. Enjoy the snow - we got about 7-8 inches in Culpeper, VA.
Hope your husband is doing well with the sleep apthany machine. Have a great day.
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